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Newly diagnosed with Crohn's (my spouse, not me)

Tue, April 16, 2024 10:29 AM

Good morning,
My husband was diagnosed with Crohn's by the VA way back in the late 90's but was never treated for it. He went years without getting another diagnosis, medication, etc. He was diagnosed here in Virginia with IBS-D (his gut doc tested multiple times, scoped, etc. but could never find Crohn's) until recently. He was taking Vibirzi for the IBS and has since stopped and started taking Mesalamine 1.2gm tablets (4 pills) and Budesonide 3mg DR caplets (3 pills) a day for his Crohn's. His insurance is requiring him to try a 3 month cycle of these pills before he is able to start any sort of infusion treatment.

He has been in the middle of a flare for the past few weeks. He is experiencing pain in the left side, nausea and diarrhea. He is having a most difficult time staying hydrated. He has stopped eating a lot of the foods that are recommended to drop and while I can see where he is dropping weight, it's not near as bad as one of his last flare ups. 

I am open to any and all suggestions for him for pain relief, to help keep weight on and help with his hydration. I am also hoping to hear from anyone who may have tried these pill combos and can tell me if there is anything else we maybe ought to try. I am trying to do everything I can to help him, and he's educating himself as well but I will gladly take any guidance from folks who have been through this. 

Thank you!

Joined Apr 16, 2024

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